75337 LEGO AT-TE Walker | A must buy Star Wars LEGO set investment currently at discount
1 week ago
75337 LEGO AT-TE Walker. A must buy Star Wars LEGO set investment currently at discount. While the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer may not be as iconic as the AT-AT, it has its own distinct place in Star Wars history. First used to attack Alderaan, the AT-TE serves as the primary battle tank of the Grand Army of the Republic. The AT-TE Walker's design was heavily inspired by the four-legged Roman siege engine called a ballista, which were used to fire bolts and arrows at enemy fortifications and troops. The iconic walker features six articulated legs for propulsion and was designed for maximum manoeuvrability. It first appeared in the Star Wars universe in the 2005 animated film, "Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith", and its instantly recognizable design has made it a fan favourite....
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